Wednesday, 22 January 2014 @ 20:44  0 stares

Day 6-Write a narrative poem detailing a specific childhood memory

What's Up Down Under
Sweet scent
Lingering in the air; spring
Flora of every kind
Riot of colour vs
Magpie feather

Sun soaked
Sweat drenched
gold shores lined
with an assortment of men
some delighted, others deadpan

Woken by oddly comforting sounds
rythmic gallop
of horse hooves
hitting gravel

Sandwich making
In the early morning
Awaiting to be ignited
By soulful adventure
Down Under

Excited hands
Child like carelessness
Too happy
Too carefree
Nickname: Butterfingers

Oops, a spill
The whisk
Too fast
What an idiot.


Monday, 20 January 2014 @ 19:14  0 stares
I  keep telling myself that I have this warrior façade on, that I won’t and shan’t fall in like or let boys make my hearts go a flutter but the truth is that I am awfully lonely and a bloody hopeless romantic. I’m like frayed socks out in the bitter snow. I caged my feelings but the lock is  nothing but rusty and my secrets are spilling out like reckless debris.  I told myself never to render myself vulnerable but I’m an open book. People read my eyes and know that somewhere along the way, I got hit by a freight train. I live for accidents because the unplanned things always turn out the loveliest. You find love in the oddest of times and sadness in the unlikeliest places. If you’re exceptionally lucky, you stumble upon happiness. But for some reason I got caught up in a thunderstorm and never quite recovered. My mind is impaled with stale hopes of me being draped in the warmth of your embrace. I’ve given up on those dreams but they never really left me. That confuses me endlessly. These days I dream of boys whose faces I can never register but whose lips craved mine without question. They never paused or stopped or hesitated. They don’t worry about whether or not I’m half mad or terribly sad or extremely bad. They hung to my every word like their life depended on it. As it turns out, I had a lot to say. I just never really found my voice. It was like having a love affair with myself and I liked the idea of being able to do something I have struggled with for the longest time. For now I’m desperate to forget you because the brutal truth is that I’m weak. I want to be strong. I want temporarily love faceless boys who love me and whom I forget when I no longer feel lonely. I want to be selfish for once because God knows it never really did me much good being selfless. I want to stop beating myself up. I want these bruises and wounds to heal because scars are the very foundation of a fighter’s existence. I am a fighter, not a train wreck. 

------Poetry Challenge shall resume soon, sorry about the hiatus- I have been terribly lazy and uninspired as of late------
Friday, 10 January 2014 @ 17:54  0 stares
Day 5- Post a poem (by someone else) that you love ( for any reason)

Sentenced by Daphne Gottlieb


Thursday, 9 January 2014 @ 01:21  0 stares
Day 4- Write a cinquain on a topic of your choice.

Terrifyingly entrancing
Silent as night
Other worldly ways truly


Tuesday, 7 January 2014 @ 15:12  0 stares
***I'm doing whichever challenges which float my banana boat so they're not in order***
Day 3-Pick one line song lyric to serve as an epigraph to our poem. Then write the poem to accompany it.

"Nothing but a vision trick under the warning light"
I grew up believing in the importance of imagination
Weaving magic into thoughts and feelings
Euphoria was a spell
Tears; salty drops of elixir

Soon everything started to blur
Lines faded; disappeared
I could no longer distinguish nuances
between love and fear

Emotions mixed in a disastrous concoction
I brewed a potion
of calamity
You were the next tragedy

I couldn't read you if I tried
You were written in words I couldn't decipher
Then it dawned upon me
You had been my latest flight of fancy

I could spend eternity studying you
Examining evidence, layer by layer
All whilst ignoring those whispers telling me
You don't exist- you were never here.


Monday, 6 January 2014 @ 20:07  0 stares
Day 2- Who was the last person you texted? Write a five line poem to that person.

In case you do not read
The poems I conjure out of bitter self contempt
In case you are unaware
Of the 4 am paroxysm- daunting catharsis in my head
You're the inspiration of it all


@ 01:33  0 stares
Due to issues pertaining to extreme boredom I shall do the 30 Day Poetry Challenge. Hopefully I can complete this. #goals Prompts can get really useful when it comes to letting creative juices flow.

Day 1: Write a poem where each line starts with a letter from your first name (an acrostic). It can be about anything but it should not be about your name.

Always the one seeking
Innermost desires left unheard
Not a sound, not
A single word


Wednesday, 1 January 2014 @ 19:43  0 stares
So... it's 2014???

Time really does fly. I started the new year at Marina, watching fireworks explode in the sky after a treacherous hour of navigating through insane crowds. Tempers were flaring and patience was wearing thin, I heard the f-bomb being uttered several times, a few people venting out at policemen and two couples having a go at each other. (Happy New Year to you too). I guess all that was worth it though, the fireworks were spectacular and we heard The Wanted  from where we were. (Not that I listen to them but the whole vibe was really cool ) My mom also spent the first seconds of ushering the new year by screaming at a snail that somehow crawled up her leg. It was quite gross.

At around 2 am, we had supper at McDonalds. Talk about sinful hahah! We were all rather groggy and tired from all that walking though and reached home at around 3. I did some writing before falling asleep, completely void of energy. It was a memorable day :-)

So, 2014 huh? It all seems a bit intimidating but also a reason to start anew. I'd see this year as something like a chance to do things right. I'm not going to bother with resolutions, who even sticks to them? If there are those who do, wow they've really got their lives together.

I probably will spend tonight watching Syrup or Picnic at Hanging Rock. Or I might just do what I do best- listen to the whole of AM on repeat. That's probably my favourite album after A Thousand Suns and Too Weird To Live, To Rare To Die. In fact, I think it might just be my favourite album in the history of ever.
Enough of my monologues. Hope you all have a blessed year ahead. And to those who are returning to school tomorrow, all the best!! (cackles) (kidding)

Love y'all, bye!
Song of the day  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ :  Snap Out Of It-Arctic Monkeys